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Remember Coney Island Treats? Our Standard American Diet (SAD) is now Amusement Park Food


Updated: Feb 9, 2022

During summer months, most families visit amusement parks or attend festivals. Walk through any amusement park and you will be immediately enticed with ice cream, a variety of sweets, fried foods, and sugary drinks. These flavorful foods used to be occasional treats. Now, you can walk through any supermarket and ninety percent of supermarket shelves are filled with similarly flavorful formerly amusement park foods. Today, these foods are considered the main staples of a Western diet.

Amusement park food was intended to melt in your mouth and arouse your taste buds. The flavor and feelings of satiety made the food highly pleasurable and addictive, which is one big reason we find amusement parks and festivities to be enjoyable and an amazingly fun and memorable experience.

But now, we eat these foods as main staples every day. Sweets, bread, animal products, mostly fried, make up the overwhelming majority of our western diet. We cook our food using very high temperatures, and fry our food in toxic vats of hot oil. At the same time, most people have simply stopped eating fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, and even when people choose a vegetarian lifestyle, they continue to use large amounts of liquid fried oils.

Over time, this Western diet creates swampy blood that gunks up the matabolic system. Our organs become less efficient. As metabolic function continues to decrease, inflammation increases. The CDC states that by 2050, one in three Americans will have diabetes and for people over sixty-five, estimates claim some 75% have some form of diabetes.

The first step is to recognize how far down the path you are. Go see your doctor and ask for a comprehensive blood test. If that is not an option right now because you don't have health insurance, use reasonably priced over-the-counter monitors to see how much your diet and lifestyle are affecting your health on a day to day basis. You can easily use a finger prick test to test for total cholesterol and triglyceride blood levels, elevated blood sugar levels, A1C levels (an indicator of long term high blood sugar levels), and you can monitor your blood pressure, pulse and oxygen saturation levels.

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