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Raw Revolution was started because of my personal struggles with diabetes. As an attorney, I spent most of my life behind a desk. My specialty was toxic torts so I also spent a good portion of my life arguing about the value of scientific research in a court of law. When my physician dropped the dreaded diabetes diagnosis on me, I was really clueless as to what that meant. So, my first goal was to increase my awareness. As I began researching the subject, I realized that the information out there was mostly inaccurate. This shocked me because diabetes is a disease that afflicts some thirty million Americans, yet no one comes out to tell you the truth: late life diabetes is a condition where syrupy milky blood over time clogs our organic systems.

To my dismay, when I put my research hat on, I quickly realized that there was an awful lot of misinformation out there about diabetes. I learned a new term called metabolic syndrome. I then realized that my skills as a toxic tort attorney could become a valuable asset in unfolding the mystery surrounding metabolic dysfunction so I started Raw Revolution.

Today's diet is called the Standard American Diet (SAD). This diet consists of foods you used to find mostly at amusement parks or entertainment venues: cheeseburgers, pizza, french fries, sugar drinks, candy, processed meats, and dairy products like ice cream, cheese, or milk shakes. These foods make your blood syrupy, milky and thick. These terms are not scientific and are only used to give you a visual. This is why we test the blood for levels of sugar and different kinds of fat. Today, many diabetics use hand held devices to instantly check their blood sugar and fat levels.

The major causes of late life diabetes, or diabetes mellitus (aka type 2 diabetes), are all related to metabolic function. Metabolic dysfunction can be caused by long term excess levels of fat and sugars in your blood. Sugar or milk are just different forms of carbohydrates that are highly processed. Animals process milk. Table sugar is filtered and evaporated sugar cane. Flour is highly ground grain. Fat is found in animal products and oils we squeeze out of nuts and vegetables. Highly processed fats and carbohydrates are a major cause diabetes because they cause syrupy milky blood that clogs blood pathways and metabolic function. Another cause of metabolic dysfunction is toxins. Toxins can range from caramelized foods, to hydrogenated oils, pesticides, herbicides and synthetic chemicals like diet sugar. Other toxins are alcohol, tobacco and drugs. Toxins cause diabetes by damaging organs that are responsible for metabolic function. 

We use sugar and cholesterol blood levels to gauge how syrupy and milky our blood is. Sugar levels increase in the blood because (i) your pancreas and liver have been damaged by toxins and you produce less insulin and convert less sugar to fat; and/or (ii) your cells get coated with fat preventing insulin from opening the cell to let sugar in. So the cause is not necessarily eating sugar, rather it is the abundance of processed carbohydrates, fat, and industrially processed and preserved foods, aided along by irreversible toxic damage over time to organs responsible for metabolism, that create the syrupy and milky environment that cause metabolic syndrome and eventually disease or cancer.

If you would like to learn more, please order our book. In the book, we give you a deeper scientific understanding with full citations and we get through the smoke screen so you understand that diabetes is completely reversible. We need to stay away from oil, heated or otherwise. We need to stay away from industrially processed foods like flour and table sugar. We need to stay away from toxins. We need to reduce consumption of most animal products from milk to eggs, and reduce consumption of fatty or ground cooked meats. After years of toxins and thick, syrupy, milky blood from a western lifestyle, you develop insulin resistance, oxidative stress, endotoxemia, and low grade systemic acidosis. These malfunctions pave the way for chronic inflammation which is the greatest precursor to disease and cancer. You can order our book, which teaches you to live a better way, without hunger, starvation, endless hours of exercise, or gimmicky diet fads. The book will show you how to eat a diet consisting of raw, organic fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. As I say in the book, we teach you how to fish. In addition, the book provides positive life habits you can implement like: reducing the number of hours each day during which one eats, increasing water consumption to one half our weight in ounces per day, the need for twenty minutes of intense sunlight every day; and the need for a regimen of sweating and heat to help clear and clean our body of toxins and excess fats.

Once I learned the science, I came to the realization that this information is actually not the mainstream of thinking, so I wrote the book to help folks understand the intricacies of how it all comes together. Please support us by purchasing the book or contact us for any further nutritional consultation. Book sales and consultations to nursing homes, restaurants, and many other communities help us to collect additional information and provide you with updated science. We will occasionally publish additional blog postings here.

In the book, I provide explanations, citations to scientific articles, and also the most effective way to change your lifestyle without too much effort or draconian rules that forbid living an enjoyable life. Our diet is called the Wash Cycle diet and the main mission of Raw Revolution is to naturally eliminate metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and help fight diseases, disorders and cancers caused by diet and lifestyle.  No magic pills, no gimmicky juice diets, and nothing which is not supported by solid scientific research.  Come join us and remain (mostly) raw for the rest of your life and you will likely live longer without suffering as many of the pains and aches that come with aging. Also, on this website, you will find lots of raw recipes I found on the internet to help you along during your transition. I will update these over time, and I will gladly post any relevant video recipes from your channel that deserve to be highlighted.

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